Black and Orange jack-o'-lantern-shaped gummies
As we gear up for Halloween, we wanted to create some kid (and, ahem, adult) friendly candy. We love gummy candies, but hate ALL the spooky ingredients in the...
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Hummus and Chickpeas
Hummus is just such a quick, easy snack idea. But we wanted to take our new hummus recipe to the next level, and pack it with loads of antioxidant-rich and...
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Zucchini Fritters with Chipotle Lime Dip
Who said you can’t have fritters just because you’re gluten-free (or totally grain-free, for that matter)? And who even said you shouldn’t be eating delicious...
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No Bake Double Chocolate Cake Bites
It’s that wonderful time of year: BACK TO SCHOOL. This often comes with the dreaded “what am I going to send them with to eat?!?” Here are some of the most...
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Lions Mane Tacos With Avocado Crema Slaw
We’re all about the serious taco love around here! Now we’ve gone ahead and made them using one of my new favourite things: lion’s mane mushroom. This...
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Baked potato with lion's main "bacon" and coconut dill sour cream
I often shock clients by telling them that, if they’re trying to lose weight and especially if they’re trying to get their brain health on point, they shouldn'...
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Creamy lemon butternut squash lion’s mane pasta
This buttery pasta is anything but - unless you count the BUTTERnut squash. Despite it tasting beyond buttery (and we love butter around here, don’t get me...
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Kale Taco Salad Recipe
The NeuroTrition Rx recommends that we move to a more plant-based, raw way of eating over the Summer months, and this easy-to-make taco salad, which uses...
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Raw Dark Chocolate & Almond Protein Bars
This recipe has been likened by our clients to a brain hacked version of a Bounty Bar. Which I will gladly use for bragging rights, because I love that...
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