Homemade Corn Tortillas
Corn, or maize as it is traditionally called, was revered by the Mayans and regarded as a superfood of the Gods. So. What the heck happened to transform it...
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Peppermint Mocha
We admit it: We love Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha. However, the refined sugars, trans fats and all those artificial additives it contains are just too much to...
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Peppermint Mocha Syrup
We recommend you steer clear of syrups at coffeeshops as they are full of brain draining ingredients including refined sugars, rancid or hydrogenated fats and...
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Whoopie Pies
We’ve done it! We’ve created a healthy version of the classic Whoopie Pie that is delicious and packed full of stress-busting nutrients. Our gluten-free...
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Thyroid Boosting Winter Soul Bowl
This soul bowl is serving up something extra special: thyroid boosting goodness. Because there is a big connection between a poorly functioning thyroid and...
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Homemade Coconut Butter
Coconut is awesome, despite what some Haters continue to say. Truth is, while it is high in saturated fat we now know that its special medium chain...
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 Brain-Boosting Hot Cocoa
Who doesn’t love curling up with a comforting cup of hot chocolate? Whether you were just in it for the mini marshmallows or not, if you live in the Great...
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Whipped Cream
Regular whipped cream is full of unhealthy fat. And whipped toppings tend to contain trans fats, added refined sugar (or even worse, artificial sweeteners),...
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Chocolate Ganache Tart
We did it! And we can't wait to share it with you. We created a healthy AND decadent dessert that is full of brain-boosting and heart health-promoting...
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