Kombucha-Battered Fish & Chips
We decided to put our spin on this classic fish and chip dish, and make them so good (and good for you) that they could make it onto our NeuroTrition Rx.
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Sweet Potato Pancakes
Pancakes don’t usually make it onto our NeuroTrition Rx for brain and mental health. But. The good news is: They can. These paleo-friendly (and vegan-friendly...
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Macadamia Mocha 'Neuroccino'
I treat myself to ONLY ONE Frappuccino every year at Starbucks. Because I love how they taste but I hate what they’re made of. This love/hate relationship with...
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Cultured Butter
Butter is making a serious comeback as science tells us that some fat — even saturated — is good for us. And when I say science, I’m talking about big meta-...
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We lovingly refer to our senior years as the “golden years.” This got us thinking. We wanted to create a recipe that helps our brains stay sharp as we age AND...
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Blueberry Basil Smoothie
Blueberries and basil just go together so perfectly. Kind of like neuroscience and nutrition, right? Not an obvious pairing, but an amazing one. This gluten...
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Elixer Flight :: A Trio of Taste Shots
It’s that time of day again : The mid-afternoon crash.
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Dark Chocolate Goat Cheese Honey Truffles
We made these delectable truffles with food sensitivities in mind. Many people are sensitive or intolerant to cow dairy. So we’ve used goat cheese to craft...
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Dairy-Free Coffee Creamer
For those of you (ok, it's us) that are not ready to say goodbye to your coffee (yet or ever), why not add something IN to it that will mitigate some of its...
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