Kabocha Squash Toast with Carmelized Onions & Ricotta
I regularly get asked for recommendations on where to eat when friends, colleagues and clients travel. So, I thought I would start sharing the standout dishes...
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Sourdough Grilled Cheese
When the weather turns chilly (or sometimes just whenever, let’s be honest here) I crave a good grilled cheese. I’ve had a number of good ones in my day — but...
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Dairy-Free Coffee Creamer
For those of you (ok, it's us) that are not ready to say goodbye to your coffee (yet or ever), why not add something IN to it that will mitigate some of its...
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Peppermint Mocha
We admit it: We love Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha. However, the refined sugars, trans fats and all those artificial additives it contains are just too much to...
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Thyroid Boosting Winter Soul Bowl
This soul bowl is serving up something extra special: thyroid boosting goodness. Because there is a big connection between a poorly functioning thyroid and...
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 Brain-Boosting Hot Cocoa
Who doesn’t love curling up with a comforting cup of hot chocolate? Whether you were just in it for the mini marshmallows or not, if you live in the Great...
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