Lead With Your Heart For Your Best Mental Health

We believe you should always lead with your brain. However, when considering your brain and mental health, it might be better to lead with your heart, and take your brain along for the ride.
Statistics say that 90% of us have a least one risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
Wondering how this scary number affects your life today though, not down the road (where statistics also tell us heart disease and stroke will claim a life every 7 minutes)?
What if we told you brain health lovers that the health of your heart and cardiovascular system affects everything from how well you can keep your emotions in check to how you handle stress? Or that it affects your ability to make good decisions? Yes, it’s true. Science shows that if you can get your blood pressure down or heart beat regular, for example, you can make better work and life decisions. And that your heart health even determines, in part, your risk for developing brain and mental health disorders from Alzheimer’s to Major Depressive Disorder.
Science shows that if you can get your blood pressure down or heart beat regular, you can make better work and life decisions.
How the heck, you might be asking, could these things possibly be connected? Well, your heart works hard to pump blood around your body and up to your brain. This blood is full of oxygen, which keeps us alert and energized, and able to learn new things and remember them. It’s also full of nutrients, which keep us smart, stable and lowers our risk of developing dementia and other brain conditions.
When you neglect your heart health, it has to work overtime to get oxygen and nutrition to your brain, and eventually just won’t be able to do it. If you give this heart-neglect a few years to really take hold, your arteries will harden and develop plaque, which deprives your brain of oxygen and nutrition. Bottom line: Your brain and mental health will inevitably suffer the longer you ignore your heart.
Who Knew Heart And Brain Health Could Taste This Sweet?
Go ahead. Treat yourself to these decadent desserts with smart, proven heart loving ingredients:
1. Olive Oil:
Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart With Olive Oil Sea Salt Drizzle
2. Oat Flour:
Dark Chocolate Whoopie Pies (Dairy Free Option)
3. Dark Chocolate:
Brain Boosting Hot Cocoa